Bio's Warning

Spoilers may be contained within these bio's. So if you are newer to the story and do not want to know of future actions. Please wait to read until after you have caught up. 80)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Henry Grant

Henry Grant ~ Viscount of Bruns

Three years earlier while enroute to New York, Henry came upon a small farm. Where he met the woman of his dreams, a lady he thought he could never entertain thoughts of due to her lower ranking within Society. Then while aboard the Queens Heart with his family as they headed for London to meet his future bride, the fates smiled upon him.

The mysterious young woman from the farm that has held his devout attention and heart was non other than the long lost granddaughter of the Grand Duke and Duchess of Wilshire. Better yet he found Ava too had thought of no other than he. Excitement abounded as he convinced his family to end his betrothal to Lady Marianne Talley, an engagement that was soon found not to be trifled with. For unbeknown to him or Ava Lady Francis Talley had gone to Duke George Carmichael threatening to spill forth her secrets if he did not cease the relationship.

Heartbroken, Henry married Marianne, his heart still belonging to Ava he attempted to make the best of things, until the day an invitation to Ava's announcement ball arrived. Incapable of denying himself one final opportunity to attempt to win her heart and run off to America, he left the decision upon his wife. Who willingly accepted, yet did not at the time realize that Ava's heart had turned in favor of his dearest child hood friend, Alexander Lorenza.


S@n November 28, 2008 at 7:48 PM  

I really enjoyed reading his bio... but I am up to date with the story, if I were a new reader and I came to take a look at the bios before going to the story, then this bio would be filled with spoilers :D lol

which is not that bad at all, I actually love spoilers, but then there are reader who don't like spoilers :D lol

You should include a note in bold that some of the bios might include spoilers :D lol

cheripye November 28, 2008 at 7:57 PM  

Thank you for the suggestion, I will do that. I didnt think of it while writing it out. So it is much appreciated. 80)

S.B. November 29, 2008 at 6:37 AM  

Kind of hard to avoid spoilers in the bios. If someone was married to one person and now is not, not sure how to handle that without giving it away... interesting point.

This was so well done. I started out liking Henry but I'm not so fond of him now LOL! kind of acted like a brat and caused all kinds of problems.

cheripye November 29, 2008 at 1:00 PM  

LOL! Yes Henry has acted like a brat. 80) and this was a difficult one to write. Especially with his confusing role in this tale. LOL!

Still I do like Sandy's idea, just put a note at the top that the Bio's may contain spoilers. Unfortunately there isnt much that can be done. About certain things.

And I need to get Alex together too. lol! OH BOY! Spoiler city there.

cheripye November 29, 2008 at 1:10 PM  

Duh! LOL! I already have one on Alex, I meant George! lol!

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